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Save your money, let Brands pay for you
A Brand new way to pay
Control • Transparency • Consent
Join 2 Million + bountypay users

You're in control.
bountypay gives you full control of your data. You get to choose which brands you connect with and you choose what information you give them about yourself.
In exchange, and with your consent - they pay for the stuff you want
Get started!
Want to be a BountyPay member? All you have to do is opt to pay with BountyPay on our partner websites and platforms.
Manage your data
Manage the data that you have provided to advertisers, but also the ability remove all data that is collected about you by any companies across the internet.

Coming soon!
Explore offers!
Once you have a BountyPay profile you can log in at any time and view new offers as they become available. You can also manage or delete any data that is stored about you.
Your data has always had value.
Its time you started getting a piece of it.
Get in touch!
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